Trans Fat Free Philippines

Trans Fat Free Philippines

image of Trans Fat Free Philippines

Trans Fat Free Philippines seeks to improve the overall health and lifestyle of all Filipinos by eliminating industrially-produced TFA from the Philippine food supply.

Trans Fat Free Philippines seeks to improve the overall health and lifestyle of all Filipinos by eliminating industrially-produced TFA from the Philippine food supply.

Support the Trans Fat Free Philippines Bill

Industrially produced trans fat, a toxic chemical that increases your risk of heart disease and death, is often added to your baked, fried, pre-packaged and processed foods without your knowledge or consent. All food items that contain trans fat can be made without changing the taste and cost of food.

Now is the time to tell our legislators to eliminate toxic trans fat from our food supply as the Senate deliberates on the Trans Fat Free Philippines Bill!

In 2019, at least 644,000 deaths worldwide were attributed to trans fat consumption. High trans fat intake increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases such as coronary heart disease, which remains to be the leading cause of death in the Philippines.

The World Health Organization has called for the global elimination of industrially produced trans fat by 2023. Mandatory trans fat restrictions are in effect all around the world protecting 1/3 of the global population from the health harms of trans fat. International experience shows that industrially produced trans fat can be eliminated without changing the taste or cost of your food – only your heart will know the difference.

By clicking below to send an email, you will be making your voice heard to the following Representatives who currently sit as chairpersons of committees reviewing the Trans Fat Free Philippines Bill:

Cong. Angelina "Helen" Tan

Cong. Lord Allan Jay Velasco

You can play a part in getting that yes vote for heart health! Send an email to the Senate for a Trans Fat Free Philippines!



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